Welcome to Origin Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist
Esther Marsal Poy. DAc MAAC (Member of Association of Acupuncture Clinicians) MBAF.
Aberdeen Aberdeenshire
Esther Marsal Poy Lic Ac. MAAC(BAF)
I qualified from the Center of Studies of Naturopathy and Acupuncture in Catalunya (CENAC) in 2011. On qualifying as an Acupuncturist I traveled to study and practice at The International Acupuncture Training Center in Nanjing, China.I worked on Cruise ships for 2 years as a Massage Therapist and Reflexology. I worked from a clinic in Barcelona for 2 years. In 2016 I moved to Aberdeen and since then I have been working as an Acupuncturist in Aberdeen at Riverside Chiropractic Group. I am Member of the Association of Acupuncturist Clinicians (AAS) under the umbrella of British Acupuncture Federation (BAF). I am part of AFN, Acupuncture Fertility Network, a professional special interest group of acupuncturists dedicated to helping individuals with fertility issues across the UK.
I am committed to high standards of care and professionalism and observe strict codes of conduct and safe practice. I am always willing to discuss your needs or answer any questions you may have either in person or by phone or email. All enquiries and treatments are confidential.
If you are looking for Fertility Acupuncture Aberdeenshire or Aberdeen, I will be happy to help.

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine, dating back over 3000 years. It encourages the body to heal itself and find equilibrium through the insertion of fine, hair thin needles into acupuncture points.
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Why Acupuncture?
Over the past 8 years whilst working as an Acupuncturist, I've been lucky to treat a wide range of people with varying ailments and problems. Within that spectrum I have developed experience in treating menstrual issues, fertility and IVF. I have a special interest in treating fertility issues.
I enjoy the challenge of treating whatever walks though my door; the beauty of Chinese Medicine is that it is tailored to the individual, it's about improving health on all levels as well as reducing symptoms.
How is your treatment plan?
A course of acupuncture usually creates longer lasting pain relief than when a single treatment is used.
In a Fertility treatment I will personalise your treatment plan depending if you are trying naturally or going through any ART/IVF
Continued Professional Development
Since qualifying in 2011 I have continued to learn and train in varying aspects of this wonderful medicine; completing CPD of over 40 hours a year, including courses in fertility, women's health and musculoskeletal conditions.
I have been fortunate to attend seminars or training with eminent Acupuncturists such as DR Li Ping, Li Zhi, Dr Radha thambirajah, Dr Susan Johnson, Dr Robert Chu, Naava Carman and others. Each have inspired my practice to evolve and I enjoy incorporating appropriate treatment methods into my work.
I am in the Level 3 Interning of 'A Root Cause Practice' course with Tracey Stevens. Mostly practicing with Volunteers and supervision at this stage. To facilitate this deeper level of healing. How emotional pain reflects in the body as physical pain and illness
I am currently studying with Naava Carman ' Advance Level Diploma in Fertility Acupuncture.'
'Reproductive Immunology - Understanding and treating the immune system for fertility and pregnancy'
'Using TCM to support Artificial Reproductive Techniques'
Level 2 Counselling skills - West College Scotland
Clinics and Prices
Please contact me for clinic times and availability - I offer weekday, evening and Saturday appointments.
Riverside Chiropractic Group
585 Holburn street
AB10 7LH Aberdeen
Consultation, Diagnosis and First Treatment (please allow up to 90 minutes): £90
Subsequent Treatments: £70
I have been trained to the highest standard and am fully licensed and insured to practise.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
Tha aim of Acupuncture is to achieve and help maintain your body's equilibrium. It involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body to regulate the flow of 'qi', your body's vital energy. For a number of lifestyle and environmental reasons, qi can become disturbed, depleted or blocked, which can result in some symptoms of pain and illness.
In certain instances, Traditional Acupuncture can be an effective therapy to help restore balance and promote physical and emotional harmony. It can work in conjunction with any medical treatment you are currently recieving and benefits can be felt on a physical, mental and emotional level. It can help to alleviate a wide range of health complaints and issues, both physical and emotional. The misconception is that it is just for pain or addiction, and whilst it is very useful in these cases its benefits are far reaching.
In Chinese medicine, body, mind and spirit are seen as a whole, and of course unique to you, therefore, the treatment plan for every individual is different, and is based on your individual needs. I am always happy to discuss the possible benefits of treatment with you; please feel free to contact me with any questions.